HOLLYWOOD, UNITED STATES, Celebrity News - a new tattoo that made Angelina Jolie on the body has sparked rumors that she and Brad Pitt return to adopt a child. This beautiful artist already known to have tattooed the names of her birth place is written on upper left arm. check it out.
However, quoted from the sun, Angelina has denied reports that mention her and Brad Pitt will adopt a child from Haiti in the early years. UNHCR ambassador was seen yesterday a visit to a refugee camp near the border with Tunisia, Libya, Somalia.
Brandgelina, as this pair have become foster parents to Maddox (9) who was born in Cambodia, Pax Thien (7) adopted from Vietnam, Zahara (6) native of ethipia, Shiloh (4) was born in Namibia. In addition they have biological children and Knok Vivienne (2) twins born in france from the results of their wedding.
Two weeks ago a large family were seen out together. they seem to enjoy the moment in New Orleans on foot. Brad has a good reputation there after he helped rebuild homes in the area after Hurricane Katrina had destroyed ditrjang in 2005.