Tuesday, March 15, 2011



Twin Shadow tries 2 go mainstream & ride slutwaves by remixing Lady Gaga's "Born This Way"

Posted: 15 Mar 2011 03:52 PM PDT

Lady Gaga Born This Way (Twin Shadow Remix)

Twin Shadow is a 2k10 buzzband, but it looks like he is 'trying 2 go mainstream' after remixing Lady Gaga's "Born This Way." I wonder what his motives are. Maybe was just 'effing around' late 1 nite. Maybe trying to get a #1 hit on the hype machine. Maybe trying to get Lady Gaga's attention so that he can 'collab' with her and go mainstream. Can't really tell... Feel like this might not even be Twin Shadow, just some1 using Twin Shadowy gimmicks and doing a remix.

Anyways, I sorta just skipped around this remix, and it was probably kinda 'whatever', but u gotta give Twin Shadow props for the album Forget. One day we're going to look back on 2k10 and say "That is the only album that I still really listen 2." But most ppl will be like "Oh ya... That's when Kanye received a 10.0, right?"

Do yall <3 this remix?
Will it help Twin Shadow 2 go mnstrm?
Is "Born This Way" a pop masterpiece, or is it 'overrated'?
can Twin Shadow have an amazing 'follow up' album, or will his sophomore album 'flop hard'?

Video Footage of Snacks the Cat being cold towards Bethany emerges

Posted: 15 Mar 2011 03:07 PM PDT

May people ask whether or not Snacks the Cat is happy to be in the custody of Bethany Cosentino and Nathan Williams... aka "Best Coast" and "WAVVES." However, this exclusive video gives as a portal into the world of Snacks, and we can finally ask... "Is Snacks happy to be with Bethers?"

Here is what a cat body language expert who lives next door to my parents in suburbia had to say:

It is clear that there is lots of tension and hostility within this cat. You can see a lot of sadness, and a few abandonment issues, but overall he is a VERY chill cat. With the right owner who gives him the right kind of love, he could be one of the most talented buzz cats in the world, but right now he seems very miserable and angsty...

You can also tell that this cat's lungs have been sabotaged by second hand smoke, whether it is cigarettes or marijuana cigarettes. Cats don't like drugs, except for cat nip. Whoever is behind the camera is clearly a HUGE enemy of this cat, who has morphed from an extrovert cat to an anti-social cat. I will be praying for this poor cat tonight. May he find happiness some how.

As yall can tell, Snacks' body language seems really depressing and hostile... We can hope and pray that he gets a new owners soon #pray4Snacks #freeSnacks

Do u hope Snacks is 'freed'?
Does Snacks seem happy or sad?
Do u have a cat? How would u analyze Snacks' body language?
Is he trying to encrypt a message within this video?
R u praying 4 Snacks?
Will Snacks be more relevant than Best Coast in -6 months?

Failed Indie Actress Maggie Gyllenhaal launches Etsy store to try 2 make money

Posted: 15 Mar 2011 01:57 PM PDT

Maggie Gyllenhall is a famous indie actress, but more importantly, she is the brother of Jake Gyllenhaal who played Donnie Darko and a homosexual who got murdered bro in Brokeback Mountains Beyond Mountains. Anyways, not sure how her career is going because she launched an Etsy store and is selling headwraps/ 'dread wraps' for $25 a pop... It seems like Etsy is some sort of gimmick marketplace where failed creative types go to scrape together money from people who are actively looking to waste money.

The name of her store is 'Intergalactic Apparel', which seems to be way more alt than 'American' Appy.

This dread wrap/headband is made mostly out of up-cycled sweater material and brown velvet. Its really soft and warm. I got a little carried away when I was making it so it is a little wider than I usually make them but then there is just more to love :)

I braided strips of up-cycled fabric to create a soft and stretchy tie that makes this Interstellar Headband completely free size and will fit just about anyone!

Have a wonderful day!
Miles of Smiles~
Glacia Rose

Do yall think she looks keut?
R u gonna buy this other product that she made called "PeaCocK PiXiE-- InteRsTeLLaR CoRseT SkiRt"?

Do yall think Maggie Gyllenhaal is 'hot' in an alt kind of way?
R u gonna support her Etsy store?
Do u think she should hit up Jake for a loan if she is running low on money?
Is Jake 'the most alt' Gyllenhaal?
Have yall ever sold anything lame on Etsy?
Do yall know any other famous ppl who sold crap on Etsy?

"u look good, bb!" -the Mainstreamer

The Strokes allow u 2 stream their album. Is it officially a 'flop'?

Posted: 15 Mar 2011 01:10 PM PDT

The Strokes just 'launched' an album stream for their new album "Angles." I remember every1 was excited abt this album, but now every1 feels just like 'ehh... whatever' abt it. Maybe I will go to one of their rock n roll concerts and keep yelling at them to 'PLAY UR OLD SONGS. THEY ARE WAY BTTR.' Sorta makes u wonder if The Strokes have entered the MGMT phase of their career where they are kinda like 'ehhh' but every1 is just like 'maybe they'll regroup and write some songs that sound like their old ones.' U just never know with buzzbands... That's why u have to live in the moment with them and ride their memes like there's no 2morrow.

What is the best song on The Strokes album?
Can we officially call this album a 'flop'?
What score will Pitchfork 'give it'? 7.0 range? 8.0 range? 9.0 range?
Should Julian Casablancas re-go_solo?
Should AlbHamJr re-go_solo?
Is Nikolai Fraiture 'the Deakin' of the Strokes?

Listen 2 Justice's new song "Civilization." Is it banger enough 4 u?

Posted: 15 Mar 2011 11:55 AM PDT

justice civilization


Justice - Civilization (Video RIP) by stopthenoise
Justice has some new song/album called "Civilization." And we finally get 2 hear it.

It seems like a 'huge relief' that they stuck to their banger gimmick. The BIGGEST MISTAKE most buzzbands make is abandoning the gimmick that made them successful just because they feel 2 much pressure 2 'write something new and innovative', or in many cases, they will have toured playing the same songs for the last 3 years and feel disgusted by their buzz pop sounds.

The song seems bangery, filtery, and there also seem to be 'samples' of random 'civilization-sounding' shit... Like swords and crowds of people via rebellions, 'historically epic' stuff or whatever. I guess that is a good gimmick? 'Civilization' seems like something we all need 2 reflect on.

Do yall think Justice has 'a hit'?
Will their new album 'save' 2k11??
Will we see another violent/controversial video directed by Romain Gavras in the next 2 weeks?
Is this the well-executed album cycle we have been waiting for?
R u happy that bangers are back?

James Blake invades America to play his foreign dubstep noise

Posted: 15 Mar 2011 11:40 AM PDT

Photo by Elisabeth Vitale via P4k

James Blake apparently 'invaded' American [via foreign soil], and played a show somewhere in Brooklyn bc that is probably one of the only dense areas of our country where ppl know him. This is basically 'a huge moment' for his career bc if he blows/is too boring live on his American tour/at sxsw, it might stunt his buzz as a buzz artist.

I am considering going to SXSW just to write 'immensely negative reviews' of his shows just to protect American buzz. Sometimes I regret buzzing/taste-making The XX because they are foreigners.

Here is he 'opening' his set and over-buzz-addicted fans 'going crazy' for him... He is just a 1 man piano bro, or something.


Sounds kinda boring... Like church piano music that u listen 2 while ur eating the body of Christ...

Do yall think he looks kinda keut...?
Did yall know he was a ginger, or is that the stage lights?
can a 1 man piano bro 'make it' in the buzzosphere?
Do u think American audience will like his dubsteppy sound noises?
Do u <3 James Blake, or should the American government cancel his visa and send him back 2 England?

Jared Leto = the Jesus Christ of Alt

Posted: 14 Mar 2011 06:07 PM PDT