Sunday, March 13, 2011



The Broad from Chairlift (Caroline Polachek) does a slutwave photoshoot

Posted: 13 Mar 2011 02:24 PM PDT

I am not too familiar with Caroline Polachek or Chairlift, but I know that their song was used in some iPod commercial post-Feist because it 'sounded indie' [link], and then one time she sang on a song that Washed Out wrote.


Anyways, because I believe that a series of sexy indie celeb photographs is more valuable than 95% of indie mp3s, I just wanted to post these pix of Caroline riding slutwaves around her house. She has a really solid indie body, and I think she has been known to wear 'provocative' things on stage. I think if she continues to 'look good' and 'show off her body', Chairlift can maybe become relevant in an authentic way instead of in the failed Apple buzz kind of way.

Wonder if she has potential to become 'the hottest woman in indie.' Oh kewl, do u play instruments? R u in a buzzband?

Here she is trying to 'rip off' Toro Y Moi's "Underneath the Pine" album cover by eating citrus.

Do yall think that she is 'keut'?
Should she just wear this on stage every time they play?

Is Chairlift an authentic buzzband, or are they a failed buzzband?
Do yall <3 Caroline?
Does she look 'good' and 'classy'?
Can she become more relevant than Alice Glass/Vicki LeGrand if she just shows off more skin?

Justice is back, reveals new album art. Will bangers save 2k11?

Posted: 13 Mar 2011 01:31 PM PDT

justice civilization
It's finally here...
Justice is returning... Launching an album cycle after their hit 2007 album "†".
This is the album art for their new hit single "Civilization."

Multifaceted Parisian creative agency and brand Surface to Air unveil new artwork they developed for French electro duo Justice and their new single “Civilization.”

This is a HUGE album for Justice bc they have the opportunity to leapfrog Daft Punk to become way more relevant than them because every1 is disappointed in Daft Punk bc all they ever do now is release crappy bleepbloop electro and license their brand to popular franchises. While you have to respect Daft Punk's brand monetization, it seems like Justice has a huge opportunity to become the #1 electro duo in the history of electro.

Do yall think this means they are making something that will be remembered historically as 1 of the greatest albums of all time?
justice civilzation
Do u think this is named after the computer game 'Civilization'?

When it's all said and done, will Justice have a better/more authentic career than Daft Punk?
Can Justice avoid 'the sophomore slump' that has plagued 90% of indie buzzbands?
Will the bangwave 'thaw' the chillwave?
Will bangers save 2k11?
Will this album be bangy?
Did yall miss Gaspy and Xavi?

Have dubstep and rapegaze and chillwave 'let down' 2k11?