Friday, March 11, 2011



NSFW: Jared Leto crowdsurfs towards women who are flashing their titties @ him

Posted: 11 Mar 2011 12:42 PM PST

Photos by thecobrasnake

Fan: Jared! We love u! Look at my breasteses! They are just 4 u!

Jared Leto: I'm coming 4 u. U r a true fan. Ur breasts are wonderful. U inspire me to make great art.

Fan: :::SHARTED MY PANTS:::: Jared Leto is the most alternative man alive. Blarg. I'm in heaven!

Jared Leto [via telepathy]: I love your soul. We are a mere 30 Seconds From Mars.

**** END SCENE *******

Do yall <3 Jared Leto?
Would u show him ur perfect alternative breasts?
Do u wish u could be Jared Leto and get to see breasts on the reg?
Does Jared Leto's alt-ness inspire women 2 'take off their tops'?

Jared Leto is still the most alternative man alive.

Posted: 11 Mar 2011 12:03 PM PST


Jared Leto is 'the most alternative man alive.'

Jared Leto has had many great alt moments. Like the time he won an MTV award and thought it was real [link]. Or the time he hit on Lady Gaga [link]. Or the time he collabed with 10.0 rapper Kanye West [link]. Or the time he pooped his pants [link].

Every day I strive 2 be more alt
And we know that Jared Leto is so alt that he is mainstream that he is post-alt that he is not human after all
Jared Leto inspires me 2 pursue art/life/change/______
Jared Leto is sorta like the mainstream meme 'Chuck Norris' except he has alt ideals

How alt is Jared Leto?

Jared Leto is so alt that he inspired Charlie Sheen 2 transcend modern pop culture via the traditional interview format.

Jared Leto is so alt that he prefers to only use one of his eyes as a way to try to understand mainstream culture.

Leto is known to be too alt for sleeves.

Jared Leto is so alt that he served in Iraq and made his own custom uniform.

During that tour of Iraq, he collected the skulls of terrorists and ate their brains to consume their counterintelligence.

Jared Leto is so post-alt that he breaks free from society's shackles on a daily basis.

Jared Leto does not eat real food. Jared Leto only eats metal, rocks, and dirt.

This is Jared Leto's house. He does not believe in property, furniture, or home entertainment systems. His alternative thoughts make modern media seem trivial.

Jared Leto spends half of the year serving as the chief of a neon indian tribe for teens who want to be more alt. They have formed a farming utopia somewhere in Idaho.

Jared Leto requests that his band 30 seconds 2 Mars doesn't get a headlining spot so they don't appear to be 'too mainstream' or 'successful'

Jared Leto is too alt to smile. Jared Leto had a 300 person gangbang with all of his groupies 'just to save time' in 2006.

In order to be more alt, sometimes Jared Leto lives under the identity of Wanda Caruthers, who works at a coffee shop in Sacramento, CA.

Jared Leto's brother Shannon has finally accepted that he is the brother of the most alternative man alive after 10 years of counseling.

Jared Leto is so alt that he constructed a stage on top of his fans.

Jared Leto sometimes stands in the crowd as other bands are performing and sings with them, and the other bands are willing to let Jared sing because his voice sounds like an angel.

Jared Leto has constructed his own universal language with a font/type face that is more perfect than Helvetica

How do u do it, Jared?
How r u so alt?

Jared Letbro is the most alternative man alive.
We could all learn a lot from Jared Leto

'All I really needed to know abt alt... I learned from Jared Leto...'

Do yall <3 Jared Leto?
Does his alt-ness inspire u?
Is Jared Leto 'just a conceptual d-bag' or is he an authentic alt?
Is Jared Leto the greatest living artist of our generation?
Is 30 Seconds From Mars the #1 band on the planet?
Does Jared Leto 'turn u on'?
Do u want 2 b Jared Leto?

More Sexi Photos of Kickball Katy pouring champagne on her breasts emerge

Posted: 11 Mar 2011 10:31 AM PST

The Bruise Cruise happened about 2 weeks ago, but the only thing that really emerged from it besides pictures of crustwavers taking baths in swimming pools were pictures of VIVIAN GIRLS GONE WILD: KICKBALL KATY'S WONDERFUL ALTERNATIVE BREASTS. Anyways, some new photos came out, and there is more Kickball Katy 2 feast upon.

do yall <3 her? Is she a good role model?


Should more relevant alternative celebs pour champagne all over their breasts?

"What about me?" -another viv girl

Do u think the Vivian Girls should wear bikini tops on stage and sing abt fun in the sun?
Is it time for Kickball Katy 2 go solo?
Will the Vivian Girls be able to release any sex new memes at relevant pool parties this summer?
Does Kickball Katy have 'the perfect alternative breasts'?

James Murphy makes racist comment about how the Black Eyed Peas suck

Posted: 11 Mar 2011 09:06 AM PST

Recently, James Murphy tweeted from @LCDSOUNDSYSTEM:

That black eyed peas dirty dancing thing is worse than raping a cat. What is wrong with people? Do they hate ears?

He was commenting on the song by the Black Eyed Peas called "The Time (Dirty Bit)."


It seems like because the Black Eyed Peas have 3 members who are black/asian, we can officially label James Murphy as a racist who doesn't like 'black people music.' James Murphy is as little bit older than most members of the buzzosphere, so maybe he is kinda like Clint Eastwood in "Gran Torino" or whatever that movie is where he fights a minority gang.

Maybe it's just me, but I think that the Black Eyed Peas and LCD Soundsystem sound very similar. They both have their fair share of bleeps, bloops, and humans singing over these bleepy bloops. It seems like James Murphy must be retiring from music because he never achieved the mass appeal that the Black Eyed Peas achieved, feeling inferior to Will.I.Am as a producer/singer/song-writer.

Shame on you, James Murphy. When it's all said and done, we'll be inducting Will.I.Am into the Rock N Roll Hall of Fame for the positive pep rally vibes he brought to the mainstream... and we'll always remember James Murphy 4 quitting on us. Shame on you, James Murphy for implying that black people and Middle Americans don't have ears. We're all just humans, searching for relevant MP3s that are promoted in our content streams. If u want to do something about the Black Eyed Peas, you should attempt to go mainstream-ier, putting your CDs in Wal Marts and letting Ticketmaster scalp your tickets 2 lamestreamers with mortgages.

Has James Murphy 'crossed the line'?
Is James Murphy having a retirement meltdown?
Are the Black Eyed Peas 'the greatest band on the planet'?
Do yall have a feeling that 2nites gonna be a good nite?
Is more talented than James Murphy as a producer and singer?
Will James Murphy's legacy be 'a racist white indie rocker'?
Do think he is upset abt the Negrofication of the indiesphere?

TV on the Radio has some new MP3.

Posted: 11 Mar 2011 08:49 AM PST


This is some new song by TV on the Radio called "Caffeinated Consciousness." As you can tell by the title of the song, they are still trying to be a 'deep' band and provide high level commentary on existence in the modern world. Sorta annoying... but I guess ppl like that and like thinking abt how "our consciousness is made alert by some BULLSHIT substance and leads society down the shitter."

Anyways I tried to listen to it, but it was kinda boring. I really think they peaked with "Staring at the Sun"/"Wolf Like Me." I guess we'll see how strong their fan base is/if they can really 'move units' on their upcoming release.

Here is some 'widget' for them 2 email u the song for DL in exchange for ur personal data.

Do yall <3 TV on the Radio?
Are they hella boring?
Does this album sound promising?
Can it save 2k11, or is every1 tired of TV on the Radio's gimmick?
Is TV on the Radio 'too high end' 4 the common man?
Is ur conscious caffeinated?

Win Butler's Life in the Suburbs (Part 2)

Posted: 10 Mar 2011 05:27 PM PST