Thursday, March 10, 2011



SNL funny man Andy Samberg plays violin with Owen Pallett

Posted: 10 Mar 2011 02:23 PM PST

I don't really know that much about Owen Pallett, except that he is sorta like a member of the Arcade Fire, except he doesn't have any equity in the band, so he is more like a hired dude who is supposed to make them sound more anthemic by adding another layer of voices 2 their live performance cuz the stage is all crowded. Anyways, never really listened to his music, but as you can see, he is wearing a keut lil newsboy hat.

Anyways, it looks like SNL funnyman Andy Samberg took some time off from producing 'hilarious' digital shorts and joined him in concert to play violin.

U gotta give props to Andy for stepping outside of his comfort zone behind the camera and getting on stage. I never knew he could play violin, so u have to assume that he will be throwing down a duet with Joanna Newsom pretty soon. Harp + Violin will be totes relevant in 2k14, yall.

Here is a photo of Andy and Owen looking over some sheet music.

Do yall <3 Owen?
Is he the keutest 'indie gay' in indie?
Do yall miss 'Final Fantasy'?
Should Owen just apply for a job in the Arcade Fire?
Is Andy Samberg hella hilarious and talented?
Do u hope Andy Samby 'goes solo' from the Lonely Island and releases a violin album?

One of the teens from SKINS goes 2 a movie premiere, looks like a dunce

Posted: 10 Mar 2011 01:41 PM PST

Daniel Flaherty plays Stanley on the MTV show SKINS, which is about alt tweens who <3 2 drink, smoke, fuck, cum, and do anything else that is 'bad + alt.' Anyways, I don't know if his career is gonna 'take off' or if he will always just be 'the skinny dude from SKINS', but this picture of him seemed funnie. I wonder if he can brand himself as a 'Michael Cera' type of actor and just play a zany, aloof, harmless bro in every role possible.

Do yall still watch SKINS on MTV?
What happened to all of the buzz abt that show?
Does n e 1 still care about MTV meme programming?
Is Jersey Shore the most successful TV show of the 2k0s?

Will Daniel Flaherty have a fruitful alt career?
Do yall think he is keut?
Do yall think he has a nice smile?
Is SKINS the most important alt tv show on TV?
Does this kid 'look like a dunce'?

Vampire Weekend is the hardest working band on the planet, traveled more than any other band in 2k10

Posted: 10 Mar 2011 10:05 AM PST

I just saw this infographic chart that lists the bands that had the most tour dates, AND the bands that traveled the farthest aggregate distance according 2 Songkick in 2010. It seems like we can call Vampire Weekend 'the hardest working band' not online in indie, but also in 'the world.' They traveled ~150,000 miles in 2010, touring the world, exposing their album "Contra" 2 alts and mainstreamers everywhere.

Here is the list of the mainly relevant/interesting indie bands

  1. Vampire Weekend 150k miles
  2. Caribou 139k miles
  3. 30 Seconds to Mars 124k miles
  4. Surfer Blood 111k miles
  5. Lady Gaga 89k miles
  6. Beach House 89k miles

R u proud of Vampire Weekend for taking their brand 'global'?
Do u think their family missed them in the USA?
Do u think Vampire Weekend will have a concert on the moon next year just to keep the title of 'The Hardest Working Band in Show Business'?
Does Vampy Weeks deserve a break?
Does Beach House need to 'step it up' and tour more if they want to 'sell mad albums'?
Do a lot of these bands 'cheat' by performing in the Far East/South America?
Will Jared Leto build a rocket ship and literally travel to Mars just to become the 'hardest working man in Rock N Roll'?
R u proud of Vampy Weeks?
Was Vampy Weeks 'enslaved' to a global tour just to pay Kirsten Kennis? (h8 her, yall)

Important Infographics that illustrate the state of the Music Industry

Posted: 10 Mar 2011 09:50 AM PST

album sales music graph
It seems like the internet is on the search for the perfect infographic that depicts the state of our current music industry, and what it used 2 look like so that we can predict what it will look like in the future. They can't just write "Totally Effed. Digital Singles on iTunes" on a .jpg because that is not interesting. Above is some infographic that says ppl don't buy vinyl, cassette, and CDs any more.

Do u think INFOGRAPHICS will help us 2 solve the problems of 2morrow/2day?

The music industry 'still makes the majority of their money' from full length albums.

This infographic demonstrates the sharp decline in ppl 'buying real albums'. (Confused)

Here are some trends in 'how the industry is making money' via random crap like ringtones, subscriptions, and streaming radio.

Downloaded albums & singles have grown nicely, but we’ve already established that is not nearly enough to offset the loss of the physical equivalents.

Mobile, which includes “Master Ringtunes, Ringbacks, Music Videos, Full Length Downloads, and Other Mobile”, hit its peak in 2007 and has actually been in decline the past 2 years. Looks like the death of the ringtone - and possibly the birth of the iPhone?

Subscriptions – presumably Rhapsody, Zune Pass, and the like — have also drifted downward the past 2 years.

Here is a graph that says 'digital singles are s0 hot right now.'

I feel like after looking at these infographics for the past 5 minutes, I feel like I finally 'get' the state of the Music Industry, like I went to a specialized college that gave me a 'Music Business Degree.' Maybe I'll come up with a new webservice that 'saves' the industry, delivers revenue to the artists, and helps users to discover new buzzbands based on their listening history.

Do yall <3 infographics?
Can we save the music industry now that we have these sweet infographics?
Is the music industry 'effed'?
R u tired of reading abt how 'effed' the music industry is?
Did u learn anything interesting from these infographics?
Do yall believe that there are only 'lies, damn lies, statistics, and 'infographics'?

Thom Yorke goes solo, throws down hella sick secret intelligent dubstep DJ set

Posted: 10 Mar 2011 09:31 AM PST

Last night I heard a bunch of twitter buzz, so I ventured down to a relevant Los Angeles club where Thom Yorke was throwing down a relevant bleep bloop dubstep DJ set. Even though I don't even really like Radiohead, I covet the opportunity to experience a rare alt performance, so I HAD to go see Thom Yorke 'crush it' while he spun dubstep bleep bloop music.

According to At Ease, Yorke's set lasted an hour and 20 minutes and included tracks from Kraftwerk, Burial, Madvillain, Major Lazer, Squarepusher, and Modeselektor. Consequence of Sound also claims that Yorke "gave a shout-out" to the Notorious B.I.G. on the 14th anniversary of Biggie's death.

'Mad props to Biggie Smalls. I know ur in heaven smiling down. Watching us while we pray 4 u... Every day We pray 4 u. Until the day we meet again, in my heart is where I keep u, friend. Memories give me the strength I need to succeed, the strength I need 2 believe, Biggie.' -a white person trying 2 be black

Thom looks hella in2 it. This is probably him spinning Puff Daddy's "I'll Be Missin U."

Here is video of Thom spinning that wah wah dub boom step. He dances around like the music is inside of his body.


Is Thom 'going solo'?
Did Radiohead buzz die rlly fast?
do u think he is upset that the Radiohead album 'flopped' so hard?
Can Thom Yorke become a relevant part of the DJ circuit?
Why are British ppl s00 obsessed with dubstep?
Does Thom need to write a chillwave album?
Should Thom tour the world as a DJ, make tons of money, and bang tons of bitches?
Would yall rather see an 'intelligent dubstep' dj set or a banger wave DJ set?

R u giving up anything alt 4 Lent?

Posted: 09 Mar 2011 07:51 PM PST

Photograph: an alt priest did a conceptual doodle on my forehead

Lent is a time where ur supposed to give something up because God died or something, or Jesus, or la Virgin De Guadalupe peaced into heaven or something. Anyways, you are supposed to give up a luxury item, or something that makes ur life better. It never really made sense 2 me bc why would God invent stuff and then want u 2 stop using it? Anyways, don't want 2 get in2 the story of when I told my congregation that they were 'full of shit' and got my parents banned from their church...

But I just wanted to ask YALL the question.
Interact with the alt middle-class.
Hear from REAL READERS like U...

Which alternative luxuries do u take for granted?
If there was some sort of 'Alt Lent', what would u give up?
Would u use Lent to make your personal brand 'more alt' or give up altness 2 'go mainstream'?

Here are some alternative luxuries that I am considering giving up/changes I can make to improve my life and the lives' of the ppl around me:

  • Stop Living at my parents' house rent-free
  • Help my mom take out the trash and do the dishes
  • Giving up meaningful Buzzbands
  • Stop DLing free, leaked illegal albums
  • No more Twitter
  • Deactivating Facebook
  • Activating Myspace/Friendster
  • No more Blow
  • No more Four Loko
  • Stop 'Partying'
  • Set free my sex slaves
  • No more Watching buzzbands Jimmy Fallon
  • No more JOing to Vicki LeGrand
  • No more impure thoughts of Alice Glass
  • stop 'cyberbullying' buzzbands
  • Stop Pretending that my dog is an alt celeb pet
  • Give up eating at Subway
  • Stop eating at Chili's just to hit on 'trapped in their lives' waitresses
  • Delete all of the 'browser button shortcuts' at the top of my browser
  • Refrain from visiting my favourite websites and blogs
  • Will use a Windows computer instead of a Mac
  • Will delete my entire music library
  • Will delete this blog
  • Will stop ordering garbage products from Etsy
  • Will stop being unemployed
  • Will stop yelling at my parents for living in suburbia
  • Overtweeting abt how sweet SXSW is gonna be
  • Overtweeting abt my 'coachella countdown'
  • Overtweeting abt how hard I am partying and how meaningful my bros are
  • Being more buzzband tolerant
  • Accepting the Lord Savior Jesus Christ in2 my life
  • Apologizing 2 my ex 4 that time that I ruined her life
  • Stop being alt
  • Go mainstream
  • Finally accept that AnCo is 'overrated' and 'will never outperform MPP'
  • Unvote for Barry Obama
  • Get a divorce from my wife so I won't have to be a cool dad any more
  • Start listening to NPR so I can try to understand lamestream overgrounders
  • Start shopping at Am Appy and Urby Outty again
  • Apply for a job filtering search results at Google
  • Crash my gas guzzler, claim it was totaled, purchase a hybrid
  • Open a Subway franchise
  • stop using wifi and use a long ass ethernet cord
  • stop going 2 coffee shops and just drinking from a water hose
  • getting to know my drug dealer 'as a person' instead of just using him 4 drugs
  • stop human trafficking foreigners promising them that I will marry them in 2 years to give them Green Card Status
  • Pull a 'Tonya Harding/Nancy Kerrigan' on LeBron James while wearing a vintage Cleveland Cavaliers jersey
  • Become vegetarian
  • Become a vegan
  • Become a freegan
  • Shop at Whole Foods but eat unhealthily
  • Give up pastries at Panera Bread
  • Learn how 2 <3 again
  • Stop using the '<3' symbol
  • Stop chatting with ppl on the internet, use the phone 2 call them
  • no more txt mssgs
  • no more sext mssgs
  • no more JOing to Miley sexts
  • Stop eating ice cream
  • Stop eating 'froyo'
  • Stop going to all-you-can-eat froyo buffets
  • Stop being a lamestreamer
  • Become a streamer
  • Become a mainstreamer
  • Sacrifice altdom
  • Finally 'let go' of chillwave
  • End my crappy blog where I just make 'snarky' listicles bc I am a subpar writer who can't piece 2gthr real ideas + thoughts
  • Learn more abt ur mainstream sibling's way of life
  • Study abroad in suburbia
  • Stop ruining your current relationship by making ur exGF pretend she is Regine, and engage in a complex roleplaying scenario where you play Win Butler.

Is Christianity full of chill, alt ideas? Do yall miss Jesus when he is metaphorically executed bc of his irrelevancy, then comes back on Easter with a KILLER album that gets every1 buzzing again?

Are yall gonna use Lent 2 become a better person?
What alt stuff r u giving up 4 lent?
Is 'Lent' authentic? Do yall miss Alt Jesus when he disappears?
Do we take many alt day-to-day luxuries 4 granted?
What alt luxury/resource/lifestyle choice could u NOT do without?