Wednesday, March 9, 2011



Bradford Cox kneels at the Altar of Alt

Posted: 09 Mar 2011 06:44 PM PST

American Apparel CEO Dov Charney's former sex slave suing him for $250 million.

Posted: 09 Mar 2011 02:18 PM PST

Apparently, some broad is suing American Apparel Founder & CEO Dov Charney for $250 million because she claims he enslaved her and forced her to perform sex acts. Don't know if this is 'real' or if this is just some failed retail employee trying to piggy back off the 'famous Am Appy sexual harassment stories' and make a quick buck.

Anyways, it is just the story of some 17 year old girl who says she got some sexts from Dov Charney, then when she turned 18, he was like "Come on ovr, come on ovr bb" and claims he 'enslaved her/aggressively banged her.'

After she returned to work, Miss Morales says in the lawsuit that she was held captive for several hours and forced to carry out sexual acts on Mr Charney after being invited to his New York apartment after turning 18.

She was ‘emotionally traumatized’ by her ordeal, her lawyer Eric Baum told MailOnline.

‘Her life has drastically changed as a result of the sexual harassment. She is under the care of a doctor and is still suffering from the trauma,’ he added.

Do yall believe her? Is she a rape victim? Should she have pressed charges immediately instead of waiting several years to claim 'sexual enslavement'?
This is what she looks like. Does she look 'Am Appy enough' 2 enslave?
irene morales american apparel dov

Have u ever been the boss of a company and used ur power to enslave women? Is this just a common practice, and if ur over 18, is it a woman's decision? Do u believe all of the blog buzz that Dov Charney is a predator wave bro, or is he just a normal bro like the rest of us?

Soon after she started work she was bombarded with calls from Mr Charney demanding details about her sexual history, even though she was still in high school.

The lawsuit said he made it ‘clear her employment would be forfeited if she did not comply.’

Do u think she should have contacted a feminist hotline that would have told her 2 quit her job at that point instead of just 'trying 2 climb the corporate ladder' [via blowjobs]?

Have yall ever been hospitalized for being 'shocked and horrified'?

Although Miss Morales was hospitalized for several days after becoming ‘shocked and horrified’ by her boss’s demands, she said he only increased the pressure on her ‘for sexual acts aimed at his personal gratification’ when she returned to work.

Miss Morales, of Bedford-Stuyvesant, said she started as a salesperson and was quickly promoted to be manager of the company’s store in Chelsea, New York.

Do u think she is just confused, and she is suing Am appy for 'being a retail slave'?

File Photo: Pic of Random broad + Dov that Implies a sexual relationship

Here are the 'details' of the encounter.

Just after her 18th birthday in April 2009, Miss Morales said she was invited to Mr Charney’s downtown Manhattan apartment.
According to the court documents, Mr Charney appeared at the door wearing only his underpants and immediately dragged her inside.

She claims he forced her to go on her knees and perform a sex act just inside the front door, ‘then he dragged her into his bedroom, threw her on to the bed, got on top of her and forced her to perform’ another sex act – ‘nearly suffocating her in the process.’

What's wrong with a lil bit of 'choking out'? 80% of girls <3 being 'choked out.' -Oprah Magazine

Can u really be a prisoner if there is no cage involved? Do u blame her parents for giving her a cell phone + internet access?

‘She was, to all intents and purposes, held prisoner in his apartment for several hours and forced to perform additional sex acts upon defendant Charney.’ These allegedly included an attempt to sodomise the teenager.

The lawsuit claims the abuse continued for the next eight months. Mr Charney allegedly gave Miss Morales a ‘large dildo sex toy’ and was ‘induced’ to visit her employer’s Los Angeles home in the summer of last year where ‘she was subjected to extreme psychological abuse and torment,’ said the documents.

Do yall believe he 'enslaved' her if she went 2 LA? Was she a psychological prisoner? Do u think she is as 'bitter ex' who thought she was going 2 marry in2 the Am Appy fortune? Is she a 'legitimate victim'?

Here is Am Appy's statement.

In a statement, American Apparel called the allegations ‘entirely baseless.’

‘CEO Dov Charney’s celebrity status in the fashion industry is being publicly exploited,’ it added.

Here is some 'spin' that her lawyer made up:

Mr Baum, of the New York firm Simon, Eisenberg and Baum, said: ’She started there when she was 17 and she was hoping to advance with opportunities in the fashion industry. But she has not found comparable employment since that date.’

Did yall ever work in retail bc u wanted to 'make it in the fashion industry'? 1 time I worked at Banana Republic but then I quit 2 go 2 community college.

R u on #TeamDov or #TeamIreneMorales?
Is Irene Morales 'keut'?
Should she have worn Am Appy in her 'victim' photo?
Do u think she is a QT that u would like 2 enslave?
Do u think she is just suing him bc she realized her fashion career was 'going nowhere' and she was working at an Anthropologie in suburbia?
Will Am Appy 'get a new CEO' with a 'clean image'?
Do u think Dov will just 'settle out of court'?
Are there any legal advantages 2 suing Dov instead of suing Am Appy?
Have u ever been 'enslaved by ur boss'?
Is this just gonna be the kind of thing where Dov Charney is just like 'it was consensual', then we hear a lot of details, and then it is dismissed? [via Kobe Bryant in Colorado rape case]
Is this all just 'viral marketing' 2 try 2 save Am Appy?

Financial News: Urban Outfitters is in MAJOR FINANCIAL TROUBLE bc no1 wears skinny jeans any more

Posted: 09 Mar 2011 12:04 PM PST

American Apparel and Urban Outfitters are the two major alt retailers from the glory days of alt, but then they had to be 'more than an alt niche brand' and become a mainstream, sustainable business. But now, it seems like both retailers 'might be effed' after the news came that Urby Outfitters stock is 'in the shitter' after a 'disastrous quarter.' I knew I shouldn't have hired an alt financial advisor who told me to invest in as many alt retailers as possible. :-(

The retailer's stock plunged nearly 17 percent yesterday after it blamed disappointing fourth-quarter earnings on flopped fashions at its namesake chain and Anthropologie stores. Shares fell $6.33 to $31.66.
The results marked the second straight lackluster quarter for the Philadelphia-based retailer, rare stumbles for what many industry insiders view as among the best-run operations of the past decade.

Do u own shares of Urby Outty, or just a few vintage tees from there?
Do u still shop at Urban Outfitters?
Have u ever been employed by Urby/Am Appy?

Apparently, skinny jeans are no longer fashionable, and having an inventory stocked with 'alt hipster trends' doesn't really help ur brand/business:

Some fashion observers fret that a multiyear craze for skinny pants is losing steam without a clear trend to pick up the slack.

An even bigger problem for Urban Outfitters may be its recent hodge-podge of clothing in drab colors that is "without a clear point of view," said analyst Jennifer Black. That's worrisome for investors as competition from other trendsetters intensifies.

"It used to be you'd walk into Urban Outfitters and it was all about the dress or it was all about military," Black said. "Now I don't know what it stands for. I just see a lot of stuff that's unflattering."

Do ppl still wear skinny jeans?
Or have alts 'gained too much weight'?

Did ppl just realize that Urban Outfitters sells 'crap' and u might as well just go 2 a vintage store if u want to dress urself in garbage?
Can Urby Outfitty 'rebound'?
Can u shop at Urban Outfitters 2 wear clothes 2 ur cubicle desk job?
Do Am Appy and Urby Outty need to 'rebrand' and sell clothes to heft lamestreamers?
Do u hope alternative retailers survive, or do they deserve 2 'go under'?
Is 'alt' dying?
What kind of jeans/pants do u wear now?
Do u just shop at WalMart and wear sweatpants?

Has Urby lost its 'point of view'?
Do u ever walk into an Urby and think "What a big pile of maltstream poo"?
Do they need to stop selling so many weird knick-knacks, crappy meme blog-to-books, and doo-dads?

Death Cab for Cutie on the cover of some magazine I have never heard of

Posted: 09 Mar 2011 10:25 AM PST

I just saw this magazine cover with the cool dads from Death Cab for Cutie on it. I have only really skimmed thru the pictures of magazines in the waiting rooms of doctor's offices, so I don't really know if the writing in them is as a great as people like to claim it is. Unfortunately, I have never heard of this magazine, so I don't know if this means that Death Cab's career is 'in the crapper'.

If I had to guess, this might be like a regional indie weekly.
Or maybe it is a foreign magazine.
Or maybe it is a subsidiary of NPR.
Or maybe a college radio station's zine.
Or maybe some1 who has a lot of money and cares abt music 2 much so they launched a magazine.
Or maybe some dude just made up his own fake magazine cover as a high school photoshop design project.

I really don't know. But I guess it seems like a big deal.

Have yall heard of this magazine?
Is Death Cab 4 Cutie's career 'in trouble'?
Is their next album gonna 'perform' on the charts [via overground sales]?
Have yall heard of "Under the Radar Magazine"?
If u were the PR manager for a band, would u make sure they do every interview and every magazine cover possible just to make sure it looked like u were 'doing ur job'?

Busy P and Kanye West spotted bronoodling at Paris Fashion Week

Posted: 09 Mar 2011 10:15 AM PST

Photo via Flavor Magazine

Every year, Kanye West goes to miscellaneous Fashion Weeks to try to pretend like he is all cultured and cares abt 'art.' It's chill with me because it is just another Kanye West meme to throw up on my dying blog, but sorta wish I had a totally inspiring tween fashion blog where I could be 'moved' and think that 1 day I would be blog famous enough to be sitting front row at a relevant fashion show. I've never really been 2 a fashion show, but I do go to the mall a lot.

Anyways, in the above picture, u see Kanye West seated next to Busy P (aka Pedro Winter). They must be collabing, or talking about Kanye West rapping over a Justice song or something. Sorta wish I could be young, and think that they are '2 great minds meeting' or something, but realistically they probably just talked about McDonalds and Subway or something.

Here he is with La Roux at some other fashion show. Not sure who likes her music, probably just 'girls' and 'gays' like most female indie dance musicians.

Do yall <3 that Kanye West is 'inspired by fashion'?
Is Kanye West 'hella fashionable' or does he look like he shops at a mall on the 'urban' side of town?
Do yall 'get' Fashion, or do u just watch Projjers Runny + Ammy Top Model?
R u inspired by fashion?
Why do ppl care so much abt high end fashion when most ppl are poor/middle class?

Die Antwoord releases new video where Yolandi takes a shit on camera

Posted: 09 Mar 2011 09:55 AM PST


Die Antwoord is some South American/African Rap group that 'went viral' because they had some sillie music videos, then people thought we were supposed to take their music seriously and that they were artists who were gonna be around for a long time. Then they released an LP and no1 bought it and no1 really liked it, so I am not sure why they released this new music video for "Rich Bitch."

The video features 'front woman' Yolandi Vissir taking a huge crap on camera. Wonder if they 'crossed the line' just to be sensational. I feel like not that many people have poop and pee fetishes, so Die Antwoord 'struck out' again.

In addition, there are some bubbles covering her breasts in this one shot. I'm not sure what they are hiding. They have basically tried every gimmick possible, so all they really can do is release a Yolandi sex tape now.

Do yall <3 "Rich Bitch"?
Do u feel sad for Die Antwoord for not being taken seriously as artists?
Are Die Antwoords just 'not very good at rapping/producing hiphop'?
Should Yolandi go solo so she isn't paired with a kreepy bro with prison tatts?
Do u think whoever signed Die Antwoord to a major label deal has his 'head on the chopping block'?

Will Ben Gibbard run the Los Angeles Marathon in an I Am Carles shirt?

Posted: 08 Mar 2011 05:38 PM PST