Look at urself Take a good look at urself U look so goddamn proud To float above all of these bros Getting ur top pulled off exposing ur breasts
Shame on u Where did u learn how to behave like this? Alice Glass? Was it that Crystal Castles and their devil whore possessed music?
Do u think it is ‘kewl’ to crowdsurf Let men grab u everywhere Rip off ur top slip fingers into ur vajenga Squeeze ur nipples as if u have cow udders and they are trying 2 pasteurize ur shit
Women and men should be segregated at rock n roll concerts So that no more women are ‘violated’ as they crowdsurf
Listen, I’m a chill bro and I love a good set of titties but I can’t say that all men treat ladies + their bodies with the <3 and respect that they deserve
Shame on every1 in this picture The crowdsurfer the bros tossing her the band for 'not stopping' Even these breasts are 'tainted'
I am on a global search for the perfect alternative breasts but I guarantee u the breasts won't be violently uncovered against a woman's will
Friends don't let women crowdsurf No matter how 'amazing' the music is Shame on u Shame on u
Should women be ‘banned’ from crowdsurfing unless it is at an all-female event? Is it always ‘worth it’ 2 see breasts? Is it too dangerous for women 2 crowdsurt? HAve u ever violated a female as she crowdsurfed, yanking off her clothes, and groping her goodies? Do u think these are the perfect alternative breasts?
Tao Lin is a “Brooklyn-based” buzz-author who recently released the hit book Richard Yates. It seems like as an author, it is ur job to get ur book reviewed on ‘huge websites’ and in ‘newspapers’ that have a web browsing hyperlink to Amazon.com for readers to ‘impulse buy’ the book if the review is ‘glowing’ enough.
The New York Times ‘reviewed’ his book, and basically took a long log-form poop on it. Discouraged ppl from buying it, and Tao Lin’s career is ‘basically over.’ Could see tons of ‘returns’ by people who purchased his novel, or maybe ppl selling it to Used Book Stores for cheap buyback dollars.
Seems like it was a real ‘pan-fest.’
They pan the intro
The novel begins: " 'I've only had the opportunity to hold a hamster once,' said Dakota Fanning on Gmail chat. 'Its paws were so tiny. I think I cried a little.' " This opening will charm the innocent hearts of some readers; those less amused might find it cloying and gimmicky.
They pan his gimmicky voice / stylistic techniques
The novel's voice is deliberately monotonous. Chats, e-mails, text messages, phone and in-person conversations — all are absorbed seamlessly into the body of Lin's text, a smart way of portraying the world in which he's come of age, where we're connected all the time and, regardless of the device or medium, all forms of communication seem alike.
The reviewer bro seems to be an author named Charles Bock. Googled him 2 see what he was all about.
Wish he was just ‘chill’ with other writer bros, and helped their careers achieve ‘mad sales.’ Wish all media was positive, and every1 liked everything because everything was amazing. Can’t believe he ‘breathed so much fire’ abt Tao Lin.
They say the book was a stupid idea and really boring.
This sense of a young writer finding his way makes it regrettable that "Richard Yates" is more interesting as a concept than as an actual narrative.
The reviewer bro closed the review by saying that the book made him feel like he wanted to kill himself.
In attempting to explore boredom, Lin recreates boredom. In attempting to write about obsession, he embraces narcissism. If this was his goal, mission accomplished. But the achievement is a low-hanging fruit, and its rewards are limited. By the time I reached the last 50 pages, each time the characters said they wanted to kill themselves, I knew exactly how they felt.
Is Richard Yates ‘terrible’? Did Tao Lin deserve to be on the cover of Time Magazine? Was this reviewer bro ‘mad unchill’? Are yall on #TeamBock or #TeamLin? Should Tao Lin ‘commit suicide’?
Katy Perry has large breasts, and it is her social responsibility as a slutwave artist to make sure that every1 looks at her titties in floozy-ass costumes that are supposed to ‘represent her music’s brand.’ She went on the popular talk show Saturday Night Live–Funnie Sketch Comedy 4 People Who Are Stuck at Home on a Saturday Night.
Honestly, just ‘get a kick out of’ posting her live performances, because it ‘drives hits’ because of her breasteses. Really couldn’t pass up on the opportunity to post a tittie jiggling gif to drive mad click-thru rates.
Here she is ‘performing’ “California Gurlz”, a song abt how girls from California will basically ‘give any1 a BJ’ and let them ‘ejaculate’ on/in any part of their body that u want.
Feel like she is trying hard 2 let ppl know that she is an ‘authentic artist’, with a strong, powerful voice, who is more than just a ‘nice set of tits’ with a backing track.
Here she is singing that 1 song by Beach House called “Teenage Dream” abt what it feels like 2 lose ur virginity when ur 13 / how u can get an authentic rush when ur hymen breaks.
Is Caitie Perry is an authentic artist? Do u think her songs are ‘brilliant’? Did she showcase that she is a ‘legit artist’ / ‘amazing singer’? Is Katie Perry a relevant artist who will be remembered alongside Madonna, Feist, and Fionna Apples?
Just wish I could be the guitar bro in the backing band, having to wear some cheesy costumes.
Soo much charisma
“watch out russy brand!” -gossip blog developing a ‘scoop’
R u hornie?
boing hornie tittie shaking poor lil elmo bro. just wanted 2 motorboat cumming erect peen
Animal Collective is one of the most relevant/authentic/critically acclaimed indie concept wave buzzbands of all time, and they are constantly coming up with ways to brand themselves as ‘authentic’, ‘green’, and ‘way chiller than u.’ It seems like their latest gimmick is an ‘environmental commerce’ gimmick that is built around releasing a lil shoe or something. Feel like it is important to sell shoes because it makes u more famous, like basketball players. I’ll never forget the time I got Air Jordans and I was able 2 jump higher. Also the time I got Barry Bonds sneakers, started doing steroids, abusing my family, chilling with back-ne, tons of mood swings, but I hit a lot of home runs and our team won state.
If ur wearing relevant shoes endorsed/created by some1 in ur field, ur gonna excel and become a ‘bad ass baller.’
It seems like they ripped of the TOMS business model, and are giving most of the money to charity. Feel like AnCo shoulda just signed a deal with Converse and bought some new hybrid Lexus SUVs with pre-installed car seats or something.
We are so pleased to announce our collaborative project with our long time friends Animal Collective. Each member of the band has designed their own shoe, using Keep silhouettes with all profits from the sales going to the Socorro Island Conservation Fund, a non-profit working to preserve the unique biosphere of the Revillagigedo Archipelago off Baja California, where illegal fishing, in particular of its shark population, is a continual threat.
They are also apparently sending u a cassette tape of unreleased mp3s when u buy one of these shoes. Hopefully some1 who buys them has some technology that converts cassette tape to mp3 and auto-assigns the track data.
R u gonna buy these instead of Air Jordans? Is Kevin Durant better than LeBron James?
If u buy these Avey Tare shoes, are u officially on #TeamAvey? Will Panda Bear sign with Nike and start some sort of ‘shoe war’? what is the most authentic alternative shoe?
Are these designs ‘relevant’? Are you tired of AnCo doodles?
Does Animal Collective still resonate with blog critics, or has the indiesphere ‘evolved’? Can Panda Bear hurry up and ‘release his album? Does this mean Avey Tare is ‘more relevant’ than Panda Bear? R u on #Team Avey or #TeamNoahPand? Do u think these shoes offer enough support, or should I just wrap my feet in cardboard boxes and doodle on them with Sharpies? Is this shoe a ‘bigger disaster’ than the AnCo Guggenheim show? [link]
In a shocking recent development, the popular music site Pitchfork dot org has given Deerhunter’s latest album Halcyon Digest a 9.2 rating. This has to ‘leapfrog’ the album into ‘Album of the Year’ status immediately, especially after most 2k10 relevant albums have scored in the 8.1-8.7 range. This is ‘huge news’ that will possibly define 2k10 4 e a e.
Gave the album a listen, and honestly believe that there is only 1 ‘great’ song on it, then the rest is kinda like ‘okay… giving this a try, alright… hmm… fastforward….k…alright….skip…ugh…skip….oh this track is the bomb. Helichopter. k…nothing else as good as this song…. skipping the rest. Just gonna upload Helicopter to my iPod but nothing else….’
Do u think Bradford Cox is a ‘complete’ artist or does he just have a ‘strong personal brand’ and get ‘indie favors’ from blogwave writers who <3 him? Is Deerhunter 'relevant' or is it sorta just second-tier classic indie rock?
Here is a 'glowing intro' that tries 2 sell u on the fact that this album 're-invents' the indie experience, making it feel 'meaningful' 2 hear new music again:
Halcyon Digest is a record about the joy of music discovery, the thrill of listening for the first time to a potential future favorite, and that sense of boundless possibility when you’re still innocent of indie-mainstream politics and your personal canon is far from set. In revisiting that youthful enthusiasm, Deerhunter brilliantly rekindle it, and the result meets Microcastle/Weird Era (Con’t) as the band’s most exhilarating work to date.
Bradford Cox is mainly known for writing good single MP3s, but usually has ‘pu pu platter’ style albums:
And then there are all those EPs, side projects, and rarities. In blog posts and interviews, Cox has shown himself to be a music lover of the highest order, almost a platonic ideal of the artist as fan.
‘just hunting some deer’
Really confused. Thought Deerhunter was just one of those bands with a ‘cool sounding name.’ Feel like they are pushing some sort of ‘indie agenda’ to move Bradley Cox to a tier 1 indie star, standing side by side with Noah, Avey, Win, Regine, Zooey, Joanny, Thom, and other Grade A alt celebs who we know on a first-name basis.
Feeling confused about the closing paragraph. Think this album is supposed to ‘emotionally resonate’ with indie fans because they had a lofi DIY marketing launch, the lyrics are cryptic, and the album ‘has emotions inside of it.’
Deerhunter unveiled their new album by asking fans to print out a vintage DIY-style poster, photocopy it, and tape it up all over town. In the last couple of weeks, band members have participated in all-night online chats with some of their most devoted fans. We’ll never be able to parse every lyric or tease out every technical intricacy– though somebody will probably try– but that is what Halcyon Digest is all about: nostalgia not for an era, not for antiquated technology, but for a feeling of excitement, of connection, of that dumb obsession that makes life worth living no matter how horrible it gets. And then sharing that feeling with somebody else who’ll start the cycle all over again.
Does BradCox’s Deerhunter deserve a 9.2? R u worried abt 2k10 is this is ‘the album of the year’? Is 2k10 officially the ‘great buzz drought of 2k10′ if this is remembered as the #1 album of 2k10? Will Pitchfork retract this score? Can Brad Cox write ‘bad ass albums’ or are they just for cool dads taking a Pavement/Sonic Youth break, wanting to feel like they are in2 ‘something new’ that ‘reminds them of the guitar indie rock past’? Should Michael Cimino ‘sue the fuck’ out of Deerhunter for disgracing the American classic by stealing the name of his hit film The Deer Hunter: Chris Walken–What Will He Do Next?