Sunday, August 1, 2010



Taking a self-pic with a famous person 2 enhance my facebook default pic

Posted: 01 Aug 2010 03:18 PM PDT

Photo by Lastnightsparty

Hovering around a relevant event
Famous ppl in attendance
not sure if they are here 2 party / drink free alcohol [via sponsor]
or if they were paid ‘mad appearance dollars’
to create bloggable memes

In the corner of my eye
I see ‘hilarious African American comedian’ Tracy Morgan
From my fave Tina Fey TV show ‘The 30 Office Mean Girls Rock’
Emmy Award Winning HULU series on the NBC Network

That dude is mad hilares
I laugh every time I see him on TV
and think to myself
‘Why can’t more black people be like that bro?’

Even though all black people are kinda like him
except they are ‘being serious’
and are kinda annoying in a lower class kind of way
like dudes who get mad at u for not giving them money on the subway

Guess maybe he is ‘the perfect African American comedian’
because he doesn’t ruin white people’s vibes by always talking about racial injustices
utilizing his platform to raise social awareness
instead, he is ‘the ultimate African American’
acting ‘black’ so that we can laugh at black stereotypes which are funnie & true

‘lol’ -me watching Tracy Morgan

I’ll bet I can go up to him
and take a picture of us
with my arm extended, myspace style
And I will get ‘the ultimate facebook default pic’
proving to my extended SOCIAL NETWORK
that I attend relevant parties with famous ppl

In addition, Tracy Morgan will ’say something funny’
providing me with content that I can share with my friends
a ‘funnie story’
proving that ‘he is the exact same in real life
as he is on TV/the movies’
Sorta want to ‘humanize’ him in a famous way

Ultimate facebook default
inspiring 10+ comments and/or ‘likes’
by people who are jealous
mainly my social network from high school who are still ‘trapped’
in the shithole suburban environment where we grew up

Just want to reenact a modern slave-owner relationship with Tracy Morgan
utilizing the modern white bro comedy aesthetic

Do yall think Tracy Morgan is ‘funny’?
Do u think bros who find Tracy Morgan to be ‘funny’ and ‘zany’ are racist?
Will Tracy Morgan ever be as ‘funny’ as Eddie Murphy / Chris Rock in their primes?
Do u think he is an ‘authentic black person’ or does he just exploit black stereotypes in a white person friendly way?
Do black ppl think that Tracy Morgan is funny because he is making fun of white ppl?
Have u ever taken a pic with a famous person?
Do u ever watch people on facebook who post ’self-pix’ with famous ppl who are pissed that they are ‘up in their grill’?
do u believe in ‘honoring fame’ or do u think all humans are the same?
Is ‘taking a self-pic’ with a famous person the new ‘getting an autograph’?

Some bro in a band posts bitter Facebook Note about how lil indie bands don’t make money touring

Posted: 01 Aug 2010 11:33 AM PDT

From what I have heard/read, bands ‘don’t make money any more’ because every1 just lives on the internet and steals music. I have heard ‘rumors’ that the best way to support a band is to ‘go see them live’, and possibly to ‘buy some of their merch.’ N e ways, not really important to me, since I think most bros in bands should ‘get real jobs’/go 2 technical college.

Anyways, just saw this facebook note where some bro in a band ‘bitterly’ tells the state of his band’s financial situation. Worried abt him. Feel like ‘being in a band’ and ‘touring with ur bros’ might not be a good career move/good for ur mental health.

Hey Everyone,

For the past 5 years my brothers in Oh, Sleeper and myself have sacrificed our lives, our time, relationships, birthdays, holidays, health(haha) to travel around and play shows for our fans. Not to say that isn’t been a fun ride!

I would just like to bring a few things to our fans attention:

I would like to show you guys an average day in finances for a “mid-level” band like us. Im going to breakdown the average monetary in and outs of a day on tour.

On tour bands have two ways to make money. Guaranties, and Merchandise.

On tour bands have big bills. The biggest are: Managers, Booking agent, Merch Rates, Merch bills, Food, and of course.. the Gas bill.

Our last headliner tour was an east coast run with 3 other bands. The average guaranty per band was 300$ per band, and around 300$ in merch. This was the average for all 4 bands, for the entire tour.

So we have a 600$ gross income per night. Now lets break this down.

Merchandise is bough, printed, and shipped on the bands dollar. We print most our shirts on American Apparel. They obviously offer the best fitting shirts, and kids are smart about looking good now days. They wont sell unless you have slim fitting, soft shirts. The demand for better quality shirts from bands is higher in last few years.

American Apparel shirts are very pricey to print. usually $7.50 a shirt. More for v-necks, 3/4 sleeve shirts, etc.

We sell our shirts for 15$ at our shows, UNLESS we are on tour with a headliner that demands we price match them.

SO $15 – $7.50 = $7.50. So half is profit. So out of the 300$ the band made in merch, they owe 150$ to the printer.

BUT HOLD ON! Merch rates!

Most nice venues have merch rates, we have seen them be as high 32% gross. Usually they are 25%.


So out of the initial $300 in merch the band made. 25% goes to venue. Thats $75.

$300(gross) – $150(merch cost) – $75(merch venue rate) = $75 (Net profit for the band.)

BUT the breakdown doesnt stop there. If the band has a manager, he takes 15% of Net profit of merch.


$75 X .15 = $11.25

$75 – $11.15 = $63.75( TOTAL Net profit in merch for the band.)



The breakdown in deductions from this money is: 15% to Manager, 10% to booking agent.

$300(gross guaranty) – $45(managers cut 15%) – $30(booking agents cut 10%) = $225

Average Gas bill is around $150. some days way better some days way worse. We have done 17 hour drives..leaveing show and showing up to next one right before we play…many times. Those are a bit more expensive. Most west coast tours we do the average gas bill is around 200-250…but ill use 150 for this example.

$225(guaranty after manage and agent deductions) – $150(gas bill) = $75

We have 6 people on tour, our 5 Guys, and our merch guy “The maze”. We give everyone $10 bucks a day to eat on. (This isnt enough when your 6 4 and 200lbs like micah and i by the way)

6 people x $10 = $60

$75 – $60 = $15

$15 Total net profit in Guaranties.


$63.75(Net merch) + $15(Net guaranty) =

$78.75 for the band for the night. out of $600 gross.

if you divide that 6 ways its $13.12 a day per band member.


This doesnt include hotel costs. which are usually 50-60 bucks. Most bands dont get hotels or shower to save money to pay for phone bills.

This does not include Tires/Van payment/Oil changes/Van upkeep registration bla bla/Trailer tires/Gear/etc.

This doesnt include taxes. This doesnt include ROAD TOLLS. Which in the northeast can add up to 20-40bucks a day.

Thanks for reading.


thanks for reading.

Worried abt these bros. Feel like they might have to start ‘flipping burgers’ or something like that. Maybe working at a local call center for $10 an hour.

Worried about merch costs. Worried about booking + managerial costs. Worried about toll roads. Worried about rising cost of gas. Worried about Am Appy t shirt prices.

Seems like everything costs soo much money these days. H8 having to pay 4 things. Wish we could all just live on the internet, stealing mp3s, and being happy 4evr.

Do bands deserve to make money?
Are ‘indie bands’ misguided abt how they deserve to make money?
Whenever u hear about a band from ur local scene ‘going on tour’, do u ‘laugh a lil bit’?
Do true indie fans ’steal music’?
Should we just ‘pay tidings’ to buzzbands to keep them afloat [via paypal]?
When do indie bands deserve 2 make money?
How much money should indie bands expect to make per year? $1 million?
Should Obama provide tax breaks 4 buzzbands?

Honda makes car commercial that ‘makes fun of effing hipsters’

Posted: 01 Aug 2010 10:15 AM PDT

Not sure if it is ’still cool’ and ‘bloggable’ to make fun of hipsters. This commercial for their new car called the JAZZ was apparently made for the continent of Australia. Think every1 there is kinda alt or something. N e ways, this commercial just ‘makes fun of’ how ‘hipsters’ think that they are individuals, and they collect vinyl, use polaroid pix, ride fixed gear bicycles, read ‘deep’ authors/philosophers, and drive cute lil modern hatchback station wagon sporty cars. Tries to ‘take on’ concepts like ‘consumer identity’ while providing relevant commentary on modern subcultures.

Do u want to buy one of these cars because u ‘are a hipster’ or because ‘u want to make fun of hipsters’ while driving around in the lil car?

Do u think this commercial is ’spot on’ and ‘friggin hilarious’?

N e ways, here is another commercial for their lil car that makes fun of black people / hip hop culture / the rap community. Seems potentially racist, but I am not sure if there are black people in Australia to get pissed at .

Do yall like hipster bashing?
Do yall like ‘black ppl’ bashing?
Are these ‘funny’ or ‘lame’?
Were these just designed to ‘get viral blog coverage’ but not really inform people about the product?
Do u want to buy a fuel efficient, sporty, multifunctional modern station wagon?
Are yall bros with or do u prefer Mazda / Nissan / Volkswagen / Prius / Lexus / Ford / Chevrolet?
Should I buy a ‘jazz’?
Should they rename their car the Indie?
Who ‘invented’ hipster bashing, and should they ’sue’ for stealing their memes [via Vampire Weekend cover art]?