Wednesday, July 7, 2010



Zooey Deschanel keeps jimmy jangling a tambourine on stage

Posted: 07 Jul 2010 03:45 PM PDT

Jimmy Jangly
goes the tambourine
la la la
We’re the Shims
and we’re comin 4 ya

She & Him
And Benjamin Gibbard
La La La
Shake Shake
Jimmy Jimmy
Jangle Jangle

goes the tambourine.

Does n e 1 wanna shake some stuff with me?

Photo by Andrew St Clair

We are females in music
We want 2 be taken seriously
as artists
we will join the cause
we will Jimmy Jangle

I will allow u to Jimmy Jangle with me
but u must accept me as the queen of the Jimmy Jangles
In addition, 1 of u has to use an egg
which is an inferior instrument to shakey wakey
shimmy wimmy
shake shake shake
oingly boingly

I will shake the egg
filled with sand
and u will be the queen of the jimmy jangles

I will forfeit my tambourine
perhaps construct a maraca
or pretend to press some keys on the keyboard
We are females in music
We want to prove our musicianship
with progressive percussive instruments

We will have a girls only band meeting
and we shall
determine which songs sound the best with which instruments
Tambourines, eggs, maracas
We will write them down 2 remember them
in a Microsoft Word document called “Tambourine Set List.doc”
and each of us will get a copy upon the day of the show

This document will help us
2 become authentic singer song writers
‘indie songstresses’
crafting our own songs
with this type of organization, we will soon play the harp like Joanna Newsom
or write a hit song, kinda like “Stay” by Lisa Loeb
or even “1-2-3-4″ by the Feist

In addition
we will schedule ‘thrift store shopping’ days
to find cutesy retro vintage sunglasses, dresses, and miscellaneous accessories
to elevate our female brands

la la la
so free
jimmy jangling
and eggs

I am
I am the Queen of the Jimmy Jangle

Some Blipster Bro parties 2 hard, gets pit stains

Posted: 07 Jul 2010 01:38 PM PDT

Photo by the cobrasnake

Just wanted 2 party
looking mad sweet in my personal brand
bought a grey shirt
that I thought made me look baller

but I didn’t really think about the logistics
surrounding my nite

So hot in the city this summer
Sweating is natural
but maybe I shoulda worn some underarmour as I biked 2 the relevant show

So many ppl in the club
body heat
my heat
making my sweat

grinding on bitches
sweating even more

Fist pumped a lot as my fave DJ spun
sweat some more

Got a handjob behind the club
sweat + came a lil more

Feeling sad about my pit stains
overall it was a chill ass, good night
Just shoulda thought about the temperature
and my decision to wear gray

Even tho sweating is natural
and clothing isn’t natural
I still feel kinda embarrassed
because we live in a pit-stain-free society

Shoulda worn a mesh tank top
instead of a long sleeved shirt

Do yall have any good summer tips for minimizing pit stains in the summer?

VIDEO: Indie Songstress Lindsay Lohan ‘cries like a bitch’ 2 a judge, begs not 2 go 2 jail

Posted: 07 Jul 2010 08:08 AM PDT

Lindsay Lohan is a popular hipster icon, in touch with tons of elements of the alt scene like ‘fucking’, ‘cumming’, ‘partying’, ‘doing blow’, ’scissoring’, and ‘posing sluttily in pix.’ N e ways, not sure what exactly she did, but I think she is ‘going to jail.’ She had a dramatic trial, similar to that movie “To Kill a Mockingbird”/”A Time To Kill” starring Harper Lee and Sandra Bullock.

The video is the ‘epic showdown’ between the lawyer, the prosecutor, and the judge. You can really sense the ‘racial tension’ in the courtroom, since there are African Americans in the video. It seems like her lawyer sorta ‘rolls over’, understanding that her client is ‘mad fucked’, then the judge is like ‘ur ass is grass’, then Lindsay starts to plea/beg/cry. It sound like a rich/spoiled person trying to get out of trouble after they did something obviously wrong and they know ‘money can’t save them n e more.’ Wonder if Lindsay shoulda hired OJ Simpson’s defense team, or maybe she doesn’t have enough money.

Feel like maybe should could chill in a Bronco chase to ‘get more famous’ though.

It seems like she is ‘going to the slammer’, possibly for life. Wonder if she killed some1 or something. Not sure if she is going to a ‘real jail’, like the kind u see in movies, or if she is going to the ’soft shit’, like where u get to watch TV and browse myspace all day. Wonder if she will like it there. Chill food, tons of pussie, possibly some drugs.

R u gonna miss Lindsay Lohan’s sweet vibes?
Is Lindsay Lohan ‘too alt’ 4 society?
Should more people ‘cry’ to try to get out of jail, kinda like how women cry 2 get out of speeding tickets?
Is Lindsay ‘guilty’ and does she deserve life in prison?

Do yall think Lindsay Lohan is the most talented indie female singer of our generation?

Should I be an ‘indie songstress’ for Halloween?

Jared Leto keeps trying to be authentic, dyes his hair blonde & wears saggy poop-filled pants

Posted: 07 Jul 2010 07:05 AM PDT

is an actor who takes alt roles, but is ultimately trying to be in some mainstream alt rock band that wears makeup and sings about deep shit that no1 can really understand, unless ur uneducated, then u just get to ‘pretend’ that u ‘get’ it.

N e ways, he seems 2 be on some quest for authenticity. Seems to have dyed /bleached his blonde. Seems unhealthy, like ur might fall out or something.

He also seems to be wearing some Oops I Crapped My Pants pants, which are pants that look saggy so that u can take a poop in them.

Have yall ever pooped ur pants?
Do u use diapers or do u wear saggy bottom pants?

Why do u think he dyed his blonde? Is his career ‘tanking’ and he is trying to ‘reconnect’ with his Fight Club era brand?

Will Lared Jeto ever be authentic, or is he just a mainstreamer with a marketed alt personal brand?
Is it still alt to ‘dye ur ’?
Should I get a bottle of Sun-In for the summer?
Is ‘the hottest man alive’?

Here’s a vid of JLeto ‘acting like a dbag rock star’ at some music festival. Sorta hope he headlines coachella soon.

M.I.A. wants tweens to stream her album on myspace, doesn’t care about NPR cool dads

Posted: 07 Jul 2010 05:52 AM PDT

Lately, NPR has been ‘hyped up’ as the best place for artists to release their albums to be streamed 4 free, since it has an older audience who is trying to be ‘cool’, and are willing to actually ‘purchase albums.’ M.I.A. ‘doesn’t give a shit’ about this demographic, and instead chose to stream her album on the social networking graveyard known as ‘Myspace.’ Not sure if people even use that thing any more. Feel like even the slowest laggards chill hard on facebook/twitter now.

Tried to listen to the album, but just skimmed it. Only ever really liked that song “Paper Planes” for a few days, but even that gimmick kinda wore off. Just wondering how she has a career.

Wonder if her album sales are gonna ‘tank’ or if she will have a radio hit + some1 will
Wonder if M.I.A. will ‘chart’ in the top 10, or if her mainstream label is gonna ‘lose tons of money.’
Wonder if Pitchfork is going to ‘turn’ on M.I.A. since they regret letting her use their twitter account for marketing purposes. [link]

Should M.I.A. have given exclusive streaming rights to NPR?

Do yall think M.I.A.’s album sucks?
Should M.I.A. retire/be fired?
R u glad that M.I.A.’s album is out so now we don’t have to hear about her n e more?
Do white cool dads who listen to NPR have any interest in ethnic female artists, or do they prefer ‘the white pussie’ like Feist, Joanna Newsom, and Zooey Deschanel?
What kind of people still use Myspace?

Pitchfork ‘gets ethnic’, gives the non-Andre 3000 bro from Outkast a 9.2

Posted: 06 Jul 2010 07:49 PM PDT

Some rapper named Big Boi is in the popular rap group Outkast. Outkast used to be two bros, one artsy blipster named Andre 3000, and another bro named Big Boi. Big Boi was more of the traditional rapper, and Andre 3000 was a ‘far out, cultured, deep bro.’ Think they sorta drifted apart, but they realized they could make tons of money, so they just started releasing double albums.

Not sure if I will even bother listening to Big Boi, but will probably just jam out to the song “Hey Ya” over and over again.

N e ways, this review is basically trying to say that Big Boi is a genius, too, and u shouldn’t just keep attributing

Virtually every OutKast review of the past decade and a half has posited Big Boi as the earthy, street-level anchor to André’s spaced-out visionary, the guy responsible for securing the group’s cred when André was trying to invent new colors. Expect Sir Lucious Left Foot to change those conversations. We haven’t heard a major-label rap album this inventive, bizarre, joyous, and masterful in a long time, and it’s almost impossible to imagine André putting out a solo album this strong anytime soon.

Wonder if Big Boi is gonna be an ‘album of the year’. Seems like they are trying to brand it as ’something more’ than just another Kanye West/Lil Wayne/Jay-Z album. Feel like people are starting to ’see thru’ those rappers, so they need a more ‘authentic rapper’ to accept in2 the high-level cultural criticism sphere.

Probs just gonna chill out, listen to old Outkast songs that are heavy on the Andre 3000. Sorrie Miss Jackson…

No real time to try to ‘wrap my head around hiphop/rap.’ Feel like I have accepted my ‘white skin color’ and will probably just try to listen to white indie bands 4 the rest of my life.
Conceptual bleepy bloops, indie guitars, Arcade Fire-ish dudes wailing meaningful lyrics.

Will Big Boi ever get out of Andre 3000’s shadow?
Is ‘Hey Ya’ the best song ever written?
Is it ‘more alt’ to be in2 the Speakerboxxx or The Love Below?
Is Andre 3000 ‘the original blipster’?

Can Andre 3000 get a 10.0 from Pitchfork if he makes an album that sounds like AnCo, soul, and authentic hiphop top40 music?
Should Pitchfork only review ‘white albums’, or should they make a sister hip hop site and make tons of money off street wear advertisements?
Will white people ever ‘fully understand’ rap/hiphop/black people?

I’m hornie.

Posted: 06 Jul 2010 05:35 PM PDT

Photo by the Stereo Argonaut

I’m so hornie
Super hornie
Just a hornie raver bro
Gonna get some horns
and glue that shit 2 my head.

Would be ‘mad alt’ if I were some how able
to grow horns out of my skull
Sorta look like the devil

Kinda jeal of ram horns though…

They seem mad alt
like u can really ‘butt heads’ with people
both physically
and intellectually

Elephant tusks seem mad alt, too

Bet u can really ‘gore up ur parents’
when they tell u that u can’t go out
and that u are not really ‘gay’
that ur just pretending to be gay ‘just to be different’

Horny toads seem chill too

Horns seem aggressive
but at the same time
‘just trying to protect myself’
from so many natural and social predators who are trying to dampen my vibe/brand

Piercings on my face
connecting my nose 2 my mouth
Raver bracelets on my arms
painted finger nails

They are all pretty sweet personal branding tools
But I just wish I had something that ’set me apart’ from the crowd
without being a deformity
Something that made me look like I was ‘half animal, half human’
Kinda like the wolf tweens [link]

I’m deviant
I’m dark
I’m hornie

Just a lil hornie bro
Might go 2 a rave

I’m hornie
Gonna make out with my bro

Erect peens
I don’t believe in ‘gender’
I just believe in <3, h8, and cum
bc I’m hornie.

R u hornie?
Are horns an authentic personal branding tool?
Do come up with the best personal branding gimmicks?
Do u know where I can buy some horns, or do I have 2 kill an animal?
What is the most authentic animal with horns?