Tuesday, April 20, 2010



Did u go 2 Coachella, or can u experience it by looking at pix of it on the internet?

Posted: 20 Apr 2010 12:46 PM PDT

Did yall go 2 Coachella?
What was it all about?
If you were a music journalist, would you review your experience by giving a detailed description of the performances, or would you opt for some sort of ‘deep’ piece about how music festivals are ‘going corporate’?
Is Coachella a unique, inimitable experience, or is it just something that more people experience / interpret thru the internet?
Do u have 2 buy high priced passes 2 music festivals, or is it just as rewarding 2 look at pix of it, then be glad you weren’t around a lot of people enjoying the same music that u thought made u an individual?

I heard Jay-Z headlined. I wonder if he had to talk to a bunch of weirdo alt dudes in alt bands, or if he ‘got off to it’, like he was ‘becoming 1 with alternative culture.’

He seems ‘proud of himself’ like the typical black rapper.

I am not sure why Maria Shriver (the woman who takes Arnold Schwarzenegger’s cock) showed up at Coachella. Maybe it makes a lot of money for California. Maybe she is into rap music.

Still feel threatened by how Jay-Z + Beyonce + Solange want 2 be alt.

I think ‘the Third Knowles Sister’ also performed

This is the lead singer of the band MUSE. He is wearing shutter shades. I think they are apparently like ‘the new coldplay’ in Europe or something.

Seems like an ‘ass hole’ move to wear an angsty teen American Flag Barcode tshirt. Would have told him to ‘go back home.’

Gorillaz also played. Never really knew what they looked like / that they were a live band. Thought that they were cartoons or something. Feel like Muse and Gorillaz should ‘go back to the UK’ and US festivals should only have American acts.

Rage Against the Machine plays live, except they started dressing up like Coldplay

The Red Hot Chili Peppers played live and tons of bros came to party.

The White Stripes also played

Thom Yorke played solo at Coachella, but I think a lot of people were pissed that he didn’t bring Radiohead and play all of their hit songs.

Peter Bjorn and John only played 1 song: “Young Folks.”

Seems like there was a lot of jimmy jangling at Coachella

The guy from jimmy jangles a tambourine.

The guy from Hot Chip jimmy jangles conceptual maracas

Apparently this bro, Perry Farrell started Lollapalooza, so he probably went to Coachelly to ’scout that shit’ and make sure his festival is better than Coachy.

Wonder if Victoria Legrand of Beach House should straighten her hair, then try to go after a post-Feist demographic

Hey. It’s me. The guy from Passion Pit

Fever Ray were probably the biggest weirdo conceptual artists there.

Seems like they really have to ‘overdo it’ since more people like the Knife than Fever Ray.

The guy from Sigur Ros went solo, so he is also trying to ‘be all weird’, because that is the only thing people from Iceland know how 2 do.

Feel sad that Iceland ’sabotaged’ Coachella by blowing up a bomb inside of a volcano.

We’re just a couple of Dirty Projectors, searching for a chill riff to sing inspirational harmonies over.

Can’t believe the XX wore non-black clothing. They must have been trying to appeal to authentic Californian fans.

It seems like the bass player in the XX really knows how to eyeball fuck. Sorta in a haze when he sings to me.

Hope the 3rd member of the XX is happie. Still worried about him, like he might be depressed about not getting credit for their success.

I feel scared of the lead singer of Girls, like he is a conceptual serial killer or something. A Silence of the Lambs type of bro.

Not sure what band this is, but I think it is just a collection of thrift store employees.

Devo performed. I have only heard 1 song by them called “Whip It” but it was like the ultimate viral meme in the 1980s.

They seem like they are post-cool dad. Like zany grandparents with dementia or something.

Is it authentic to wear zany Devo hats when u see them perform live?

Tons of DJs came out to represent.

Kanye West got his mutha effin Ableton on.

Major Lazer constructed an audio animatronic creature to ‘get people ready 2 partie.’

DeadMau5 played a set, but forgot to bring his zany lil costume

I think DJ Tiesto was there to attract a guido demographic.

Seems like tons of ‘celebrities’ showed up 2 coachelly.

Hey look it’s Lindsay Lohan. Wonder if she should ‘do more blow’ to be more alt

Wonder if Mischa Barton is still ‘relevant’ or if she needs to have a meltdown to ‘get back in the limelight again.’

Popular tween sensations Zac Efron & Vanessa Hudgens played High School Musical Live in the indie tent.

The hot tween bitter angsty emotive actress from Twilight got her Coachella on. Dressed like ‘a tomboy.’

Is Paris Hilton still famous 4 being a slut?


Is it more authentic 2 go 2 a music festival 2 watch buzzbands, or are u more in2 watching urself in a cute lil makeup mirror?

One of the bros from Entourage was there. Wonder if they were filming a Coachella episode that involved having rowdy sex during a Jay-Z set. Not sure if the girl with him is actually ‘dating him’ or if she thinks she is in an Episode of Entourage.

Katy Perry didn’t perform, so she just ‘wore something sexie’ to get blog headlines

Wonder if Shaun White shoulda snowboarded 2 ‘get the crowd jacked up’

dressed like Kurt Cobain and played a cover of “Smells Like Tween Spirit.”

Just wanna chill with Whitney Port.

Maybe talk about ‘which set’ we need 2 see in order 2 stay in touch with the current indie movement

Does n e 1 know how much it costs to FedEx a discoball from NYC to LA?

James Murphy ‘hamming it up.’ Being a rock star.

Grizzly Bear bros play a harp

Is Owen Pallet the cutest alternative celebrity homosexual?

Not sure if this bro is in a band, or if he is just a crazy festival goer.

Matt & Kim showcase their well-branded shit eating grins.

Vampy Weekend bro gettin his riff on.

Might start a viral meme blog called ‘big women with lil microphones.’

Maybe I will make it a ‘low ball snark blog’ by photoshopping snickers bars / fried chicken into their mouths

I think this girl is in a blog band, and she has a Virgin Mary Tattoo. Must be some sort of Hispanic Catholic who values la Virgin De Guadalupe or something.

Die Antwoord ‘fucking killed it’ with their 4 song set.

The rapper guy in Die Antwoord wears Pink floyd boxers. Kinda reminds me of dudes who smoked a lot of week in high school and had Bob Marley posters in their rooms.

Apparently they have a 3rd member in their band, but I think he is ‘less marketable’ because he is large.

Does Yolandi have ‘the best body’ in indie music?

Feel like Julian Casablancas ‘pulled a tween’ and dyed a strand of his hair blonde / blue / red / purple.

came and went
so many memes
so much blog coverage

What were the most compelling stories about Coachella?
Great bands and good times?
Mainstream celebrities turning alt?
High ticket prices?
Buzz bands ‘going mainstream’?
failing to play ‘KIDS’?
Jay-Z and Beyonce being ‘crazy in love’?
How much does Jay-Z get paid 2 headline coachella?
Who were the most authentic celebs 2 play at Coachella?
Did Coachella neglect artists?
What are some good tips to survive at music festivals?

Might just go munch on some Coachella pizza with my gal pals

see u next year

‘There’s no other music festival on this Earth quite like Coachelly.’
-lollapalooza / p4k fest / sasquatch / bonny roos / Austin’s City Limits

Photos by Stereogum / Pitchfork / Natalie Kardos / Chris Tuite / Celebuzz

Do u feel like u just went to coachella even tho u didn’t really pay 4 it?

Best Coast responds to being called a chillwave artist by MTV

Posted: 20 Apr 2010 09:22 AM PDT

Best Coast is a fuzzy buzzy artist who is in the process of ‘crossing over’ / being marketed as an authentic female artist since she makes music that is better than 90% of many female indie artists.

Recently, MTVU debuted her video for “When I’m With You” and in their terrible blurb, they called her a artist:

Lo-fi? Glo-fi? Gorillavsbearcore? So many names were bandied about for this ever-popular distorted indie trend. But when the New York Times weighed in after this year's SXSW, bloggers seemed to settle on the phrase "" to describe the genre. Whatever it's called, I've always been a fan and I'm sticking to my guns on that one.

Speaking of SXSW, Bethany Cosentino of Best Coast emerged as one of the highlights. A singer who has embraced the sound, Cosentino intersperses the buzzy feedback with pop-orientated lyrics for a delightful combination of sarcasm and sun.

It seems like Bethany Cosentino got all confused by this genre name, then tweeted about it. Maybe she doesn’t spend enough time reading music blogs since she is in a van that probably doesn’t have a 4G wireless network.

In addition, she made a ’silly joke’ about and Jimmy Buffet, the songwriter of the hit song “Margaritaville”, a song about a foreign country where they have an unlimited frozen margarita machine.

Is Best Coast the Jenny McCarthy / Sarah Silverman of the indie female circuit?
R u disappointed that she doesn’t know what is?
Should all indie artist buzzbands be required to attend an annual seminar where they are educated on trends that percolated on the internet while they were ‘on tour’?

Is Best Coast a artist?
Is Best Coast the best band in the fuzzy buzzy movement?
Is Best Coast the most authentic / alt cat lady in the entire world?

Was Pitchfork ‘correct’ in calling her a ‘garage-pop newcomer’?
WTF is ?

Hills Floozie / Coachella Expert Whitney Port ‘gets her hipster on’ at Coachella

Posted: 20 Apr 2010 07:30 AM PDT

After writing a ’survival guide 4 Coachella’, popular reality TV star Whitney Port ‘got her hipster on’ at Coachella. It seemed like she was really knowledgeable abt how 2 ‘last’ at a music fest. She really knows who the current leaders of the indie movement are, and what she needs to wear / eat in order to survive a 3 day music festival.

It seems like she was the ‘leader’ of some sort of posse of ‘weekend hipsters.’ Like the sort of ‘rich girls’ who pretend they are ‘alt’ when they go 2 a music festival / mainstream indie concert, but probs spent a lot of money on their outfits.

[via brand new Converse shoes]

Tip #2: Wear really comfy shoes — sneakers are definitely best. Feet get really sweaty. NO SANDALS! Your feet will be covered in dirt within the first hour.

Do u think she looks ‘most alt’ in this outfit? Do u like her long figure? Should she be a model?

So many days at Coachella. Just want a functional, fashionable look that will help me stay cool. Need 2 be ready in case paparazzi photograph me.

Do yall know what bands she saw?

Vampire Weekend – These guys kind of called it early. Their look and sound is now driving the current indie movement, as well as Urban Outfitters' Spring campaign. East Coast beach is in.

Have u been wearing East Coast Beach this spring?
What was ur fave Whitney Port Coachella Survival Tip?

Tip #9: Bring a lightweight hoodie — it gets cold once the sun goes down.

Is Whitney Port the next great music journalist?
Did she follow all of her rules about being comfy, wearing sun screen, and watching kewl buzzbands?

Tip #7: If you are hungry, eat spicy pizza. It's worth the $7.

Is Whitney Port driving current of the indie movement?
Did yall eat the pizza at Coachella?
Did u see any 1 famous at Coachelly?

iTunes going 2 start selling digital concert tickets + drink coupons

Posted: 20 Apr 2010 06:34 AM PDT

apparently ‘took out a patent’ on some sort of device that will replace paper concert tickets. I think the point of this is to probably ‘go green’, ‘reduce ticket counterfeiting’, and encourage people to buy tickets bundled with mp3 albums. Feel sad that concert tickets are going to be ‘replaced.’ Guess it is good for the consumer to be able to buy products released by bands in a bundle. Sort of like shopping at Costco / Sam’s Club and buying in the bulk.

Feel like is just trying to ‘take over’ the music industry or something. Like one day they will control the rights to every thing any band produces if they upload their music / album art to iTunes. R u excited about the era of digital ticketing? Less headaches. No more standing in line 4 ‘will call’?

The latest patent to hint at its future music plans is for a service called Concert Ticket, which would take the form of an iPhone and desktop application.

It's described as an "iTunes based web service for tickets that will naturally enhance the iTunes music empire". It includes e-tickets distributed to the handset, maps to the event, song lyrics, the ability to buy a live recording of the gig, virtual coupons for free drinks, and social features to find other fans at the concert.

Do u think designers will ‘re-imagine’ the concert ticket in the same way that they ‘re-imagined’ personal computing / cellular phones?

This sort of reminds me of when ‘records’ / CDs were replaced by MP3s, and then they started a retro holiday called ‘Record Store Day’ to celebrate the antiquated concept of a physical album. I wonder if in the future bands will issue ‘paper tickets’ just to try to be ‘vintage’ and get their fan base to ‘reconnect’ with paper tickets from back when music ‘meant something’?

Would u rather have ur ticket on ur phone, or a piece of paper?
Is paper worthless /non functional?
Can u use iTunes gift cards on concert tix?
Will Live Nation + control the music industry in 0-5 years?
Is the ‘most innovative company’ in the history of the music industry?
Will digital concert tickets ruin ?
Will people who like books more than pdf files really ‘h8′ this trend?
Have u ever made a fake copy of a ticket?
Is Ticketmaster ‘fucked’?
Should I buy an iPhone to save money on concert tickets?

New Broken Social Scene Album streaming at NPR 2 appeal 2 cool parents

Posted: 20 Apr 2010 06:02 AM PDT

I am not sure if NPR is still progressive/informative, or if it is just a more global/intellectual version of some really crappy ‘local news.’ Feel like it is informative/progressive for people who don’t spend 3-12 hours on the internet every day. They apparently like to push ‘indie music’ and other ‘world / niche music’, so Broken Social Scene decided to give NPR the ‘exclusive’ streaming rights for their upcoming LP “Forgiveness Rock Record.”

Wonder if this was a bad move by Broken Social Scene? Will there be a ‘backlash’ since they are trying to appeal to ‘cool parents’ / cool dads instead of trying to go after the chillwave fans?
Is NPR indie rock an authentic genre, or is it worse than mindie (mainstream indie)?
Is Broken Social Scene ‘relevant’ or will this album be panned by Pitchfork?
Did u listen to this record? Is it ‘good’?

I don’t think that this excerpt from NPR is really very informative, just the sort of wordy / tangled blurb that has helped to kill the music journalism industry:

This time out, the group has been pared down to a leaner, more manageable core of musicians (Drew, Canning, Charles Spearin, Andrew Whiteman, Justin Peroff and relative newcomers Lisa Lobsinger and Sam Goldberg). It also brought in John McEntire, the veteran Chicago producer and multi-instrumentalist best known for his work with Tortoise and The Sea and Cake. Both changes are felt immediately on Forgiveness Rock Record.

While there’s still a cascading exuberance to Drew and Canning’s work, the songs convey a tighter sense of focus and sonic consistency. From the yearning of “Sweetest Kill” to the fizzy electronics and plucky strings of “All to All” to the off-kilter loops and ambient sounds of “Ungrateful Little Father,” McEntire’s tasteful musical sculpting has added layered nuance which brings out the best in Drew and the various singers.

Will Pitchfork give Broken Social Scene a higher or lower score than ’s Congratulations?
Do cool parents still buy albums?
Do u like NPR rock?
Does Broken Social Scene appeal to older people who want to ‘fuckin rock’ in a more intellectual kind of way?
Is being bros with NPR a good way to move units, or is NPR an overvalued brand?
What is the future of National Public Radio? Will ‘radio’ die soon? Or are podcasts modern radio?
Have u ever listened to ‘This American Life’ while watching the academy award winning film ‘American Beauty’?
Should Broken Social Scene involve Feist in their project a lil bit more so they can sell more units [via co-branding]?
Is Feist too ‘big time’ for BSS now?
Did ur parents make u listen to NPR when they wanted u to stop listening to crappy tween mainstream pop /rock / rap music?

Should I buy some XX dining room wallpaper?

Posted: 19 Apr 2010 06:06 PM PDT

Photos by Plastic Choko

I am always searching for ways to prove that I am ‘the most authentic fan’ of buzz bands. So many people just steal MP3s and share them with their friends to prove that they are ‘true fans’. Some more authentic fans purchase vinyl editions of LPs. Some bands create iPhone apps / games for their fans 2 buy. Going to a live show can prove that ur a fan, especially if u take some sweet video footage with ur point and shoot camera. Buying the poster of a band can make u a legit fan according to people who enter ur college dorm room..

Feel like is ‘the ultimate poster.’ Like something that will be in ur room forever.  Wall paper interacts with the space in ur room, turning a ‘bland’ room into something that is ‘truly beautiful’? This bro decided to get some that represents his love of the XX, ‘mashed up’ [via Girl Talk] with his love of dining. The fork and knife form an X, metaphorically representing where art, commerce, food, and society intersect..

One day, u will take down all of the posters in ur room when you ‘become a new version of you’, but wall paper is more likely to stick around.  Do u have better wall paper in ur house / apartment, or as the background of ur desktop?

What are some good ways to prove that u r an authentic fan of buzz bands? How can u create a meaningful product to showcase ur allegiance to a buzzband?

  • Grizzly Bear: Go hunting, kill a grizz bear, turn it into an iPod dock + speakers
  • Vampire Weekend: Go 2 the movies and see ‘Twilight’ on a weekend
  • MGMT: get ur MBA from University of Phoenix online business school
  • Beach House: have ur parents buy u a house on the beach
  • Crystal Castles: build a castle out of crystals
  • Animal Collective:
  • Panda Bear: go 2 the zoo and feed a panda bear mp3 players made out of bamboo
  • Washed Out: huff cleaning agents
  • Neon Indian: Go 2 an indian reservation, and paint some Native Americans ‘neon’, have them perform on SNL, kinda like Ke$ha
  • the XX: buy a bunch of Dos Equises, then drink them, and keep the bottles in ur room.

Do u know of any good ways to prove that ur really into bands?
What types of band merch do u buy?
Do u want some sort of dining room set that showcases ur love of ur fave indie buzzband?
Should I get a bunch of black clothes + turtle necks so I can copy the XX’s brand, sorta like how teen girls dressed like a slut / Madonna in the 1980s?

What is the most authentic utensil: the fork, knife, spoon, spork, or chop sticks?

MGMT doesn’t play “KIDS” at Coachella, pisses off fans.

Posted: 19 Apr 2010 06:02 PM PDT

MGMT recently released a ‘controversial album’ called . Many fans were ‘let down’ because their new songs weren’t as catchy / poppy as their old songs. Instead, they carved out some sort of conceptual space that isn’t as approachable as Animal Collective.

At the Coachella Music and Arts Festival, MGMT opted not to play their first big song “Kids.” In many recent interviews, the MGMT Bros say that ‘Kids’ was one of the first songs they wrote, so they are looking to distance themselves from their early brand, and prove that they can write better songs.

Well, now imagine the concert is the monster of all concerts (Coachella), the band one of the buzziest there is right now (MGMT), and the song ("Kids") one that Rolling Stone named as among the top 100 songs of the decade. The Brooklyn-based duo played most of their less-accessible second album at the music festival today, yet chose not to play one of their three hits, angering tweeting fans and bloggers alike. Remains to be seen if fans will be getting another apology, or if, as they said about response to their second album, they just “don’t give a shit.”

Seems like tons of fans are ‘taking 2 twitter’ to let MGMT know that they are ‘effing pissed off’ that they paid $300 for a 3 day pass and didn’t even get to hear “Kids.”

Do u think MGMT did the right thing by not playing “Kids”?
Should they move forward with their sound, or should they make fans happy?
Are MGMT fans inauthentic if they just want to hear “Kids”, “Electric Feel” and “Time To Pretend”?

Here is a video of MGMT playing “kids” before they were international rock stars. Just a couple of bros in college, really embodying the ’spirit of rock n roll’, playing a cute lil song to a college party.

Is MGMT going to ‘alienate’ their core fan base, or will they force their core fan base to like their new sound?
Is “Kids” the greatest song that MGMT will ever write?
If you were MGMT’s manager, what would u tell them to do? Make their fans happy, or ’stay true 2 their vision’?